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Macro Photograpy #2

Just received a 0.45X close up lens(filter) and found it to be not bad. So what is the advantage of having a really expensive macro lenses? is it really worth it?


I know it may sound weird for some of you, but spring just arrived after being to everywhere else. Leaves just start to grow and flowers to bloom.And it will leave before we barely know it is here in a couple of weeks when summer takes the stage. So I think it is safe to say we only have 3 seasons on this side of the world, which is the global-warming-proof side.

Photo challenge brought to you by Frizztext

Yesterday was a very beautiful sunset at pitkajarvi. There was not wind what so ever and the water was so still that even my breath was a disturbance. The reflection was AWESOME!! It was simply the most serine and calming scene ever. Too bad these pictures don’t show it all though.

Other S entries here.

Photo challenge brought to you by Frizztext

‘R’ seems to be a very common letter. Had to put pics for ‘Riga’, ‘Restricted’ and ‘Rainy day’ all in this post before the next challenge tomorrow.

Here are some pics of the beautiful city of Riga. Old architecture, large beautiful parks, friendly people, nice and reasonably priced restaurants and bars are just a few reasons to visit this place.






R is for Restricted



R is for rainy day



And now many more from each category


And so the answer for the question on this post is then Riga.



Other R entries here.

Photo challenge brought to you by Frizztext

So who knows where this bridge is? Hint: Since it is a post for the ‘R’ challenge, the name of the city starts with ‘R’ .

Other R entries here.

Pitkäjärvi in finnish language means long lake( translated directly) and it has a length of 4.9 km and a maximum width of approximately 850 meters. Here are some pictures of the lake remaining from last nights sunset shot. I think the lake deserves a separate post since it is the nearest to where I like and I took so many pics of it through the years.


Today’s post is a very short story of the sky between 8 pm and 10pm today and how the sunset went down( although no sun) . I was gonna tell the story but then I thought, its better that I show it. The pics below explain what happened.

And in conclusion, this harmony of colors in just 2 hours.


I have been experimenting with such technique of focusing out a beautiful background and the results are rather awesome. Even though,  the subject might not be beautiful or doesn’t make sense by it self, the background makes a huge difference on the image. May be that is why they say, when taking a picture, the things to consider according to their priority are: source of light, background and finally the subject. What is your take on this?

Some of the pictures where taken today and the others from archive.

So today is officially Cloud day. Here are some more cloud shots.


Previously in the series:

These awesome pictures, a magnificent cloud and halo of the sun were submitted by Mekdes Endale from Ethiopia( very sad she doesnt have a WP account yet) . Great job!

Previously in the series:




Photo challenge brought to you by Frizztext



Other O entries here.



Reflections at night


All of these pictures were taken during the last summer and hope the lakes’ surface go back to their liquid form soon.

Photo challenge brought to you by Frizztext

Other N entries here.

Taken on March 31.

Through the lens just turned 1 month.. wow!!.. thank you all for your support and inspiration. It has been a marvelous month. And I think these beautiful scenes where a gift from above for the anniversary. 🙂

The moon on a blue sky

M is for Mirror

Photo challenge brought to you by Frizztext


Other M entries here.

The Helsinki Cathedral is one of the main tourist attraction in Helsinki with over 350,000 visitors yearly. It for sure can be considered as the icon of Helsinki( don’t believe me? Search for ‘Helsinki’ in Google image search and at least 10 out of 10 images are going to be of it). The church was originally built (1830 -54) as a tribute to the Grand Duke, Nicholas I, the Tsar of Russia and until the independence of Finland in 1917.


It was designed by Carl Ludvig Engel, to form the climax of the whole Senate Square laid out by Engel, surrounded by a number of buildings all designed by him. The Senate Square is located at the heart of Helsinki and its architecture presents a unique allegory of political, religious, scientific and commercial powers in the centre of Helsinki, Finland. Today, the Senate Square is one of the main tourist attractions of Helsinki. Various art happenings, ranging from concerts to snow buildings to controversial snow board happenings, have been set up on the Senate Square. Also at the Senate Square is a statue of Emperor Alexander II(shown below), who was the Emperor of the Russian Empire from 3 March 1855 until 1881. The statue was built in 1894 to commemorate his re-establishment the Diet of Finland in 1863, as well as his initiation of several reforms that increased Finland’s autonomy from Russia.


So there you have it. A little bit of info about Helsinki and a history lesson. I am not telling you to see this place if you ever come to Helsinki, because there is no way that you won’t see it.




A sunny snowy day.


More of the Winpring!!

I am recently noticing rainbow like colors on the sky on a dry day.. Dont know what the phenomenon is, but one of the beautiful gifts of Winpring I guess.


Related post:

Through the woods, the lake through the trees and through the field.


No signs of spring yet.. the plants are still dried up, no leaves, no flowers and no rain.. But who cares.. the transition period is beautiful too.. the sunlight with the snow still there and the beautiful clouds. And not as cold as before.. so we will be Ok.. take your time Spring..